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"How clean is clean? Basics of buying formerly polluted properties." 

Amy Lynn Lonergan presented on this topic at the Chicago Title Insurance Company CLE Program. (September 19, 2014)


“Dog Kennels, Urban Chickens, and Potbellied Pigs, Oh My! Animal Zoning Issues.” 

Anna E. Finn Vinson presented on this topic at the Chicago Title Insurance Company CLE Program. (September 19, 2014)


“Legal aspects of starting a business.”

Amy Lynn Lonergan presented on this topic at the Referrals Express Chapter of Business Networking International (BNI). (April 24, 2014)


“Municipal Animal Ordinances.”

Anna E. Finn Vinson spoke at the live webcast put on by the Animal Law Section of the Illinois State Bar Association. (March 11, 2014).


“Fixing Bad Buildings.”

Amy Lynn Lonergan presented on this topic at the WCRT meeting. (March 2, 2014)


“Environmental Law Basics.”

Amy Lynn Lonergan presented on this topic at the Lake County Bar Association’s Young and New Lawyers Committee Meeting (January 9, 2014).


“Small Claims, Big Impacts: Part 2.”

Amy Lynn Lonergan authored this article, published in The Docket, Vol. 20, No. 11, November 2013 (a publication of the Lake County Bar Association).


"An Interview with Judge Wallace "Wally" Dunn (Ret.)."

Amy Lynn Lonergan authored this article, published in The Docket, Vol. 20, No. 6, June 2013 (a publication of the Lake County Bar Association).


“The Saga of 128 N. West Street.” 

Nada Finn, wife of Newton E. Finn, authored this article about our unique office building, published in Wild Ones Journal, Vol 26, No. 2, March/April 2013.


“Taxing Lease Receipts: New Home Rule Revenue Stream” 

Newton E. Finn & Anna E. Finn Vinson presented on this topStregeic at Lake County Bar Association’s Local Government Committee Meeting (February 19, 2013)


“Municipal Liability and the Endangered Species Act.” 

Amy Lynn Lonergan presented on this topic at the Lake County Bar Association’s Local Government Committee Meeting (February 19, 2013).


“Small Claims, Big Impacts: Part 1.”

Amy Lynn authored this article, published in The Docket, Vol. 19, No. 12, December 2012 (a publication of the Lake County Bar Association).


“A Day at the Zoo:  How Animal Law Matters Impact Your Legal Practice.”  

Anna E. Finn Vinson & Amy Lynn Lonergan co-authored this article, published in The Docket, Vol. 28, No. 11, November 2011 (a publication of the Lake County Bar Association).  They also presented on this topic at the Lake County Bar Association’s Local Government Committee Meeting (October 21, 2011) and at the Lake County Bar Association’s CLE Buffet (June 13, 2012)  


“Information Please.” 

Amy Lynn Lonergan presented on this topic at the Slapped, Zoned, Ticketed, & Fined 2012 Local Government Seminar (April 26, 2012).


“Reasonable Doubt:  A Lawyer Provides a Gripping Eyewitness Account of the Holly Staker Murder Trial—and What Went Wrong.”  

Newton E. Finn authored this article, published in North Shore magazine, May 1994.  He received a Herman Kogan Meritorious Achievement Award for legal journalism for this publication.

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